Themes for 2024 - 2025:
May 2024: Thinking in Threes -Images using three of something as a key element of the composition
June 2024: Animal Humor -Make us laugh with animal images. Images should include animal(s) doing something humorous.
July 2024: "Castles" - An image where a castle is either the main subject or an important element in the photo
August 2024: "Seascapes" - A landscape-type image where the sea or ocean is the main subject
September 2024: "Sports" (ACCC Fall Roundup Theme) - An image taken of a sporting event that captures the action and/or participants in motion
October 2024: "Long Exposure" - An image taken with a very slow or long shutter speed. Images using the technique known as ICM (intentional camera movement) are not permitted.
November 2024: "Barns" - An image where a barn structure is the main subject
December 2024: "Church - Place of Worship" - An image that shows a church or place of worship as the main subject
January 2025: "Flowers" (ACCC Spring Roundup Theme) - An image where the main subject is a flower(s)
February 2025: "Silhouettes" - An image of a very dark subject against a light/bright background
March 2025: "Marketplace" - An image of a physical location where goods are bought, sold, or traded. The photo captures the sense of commerce
April 2025: "Club Field Trips"
Themes for 2025-2026:
May 2025: "Waterfalls" - A landscape type image where the main subject is a waterfall
June 2025: "Lighthouses" - An image where a lighthouse is either the main subject or an important element of the photo
July 2025: "Patterns in Nature" - An image where the shape(s) of nature create an interesting pattern effect
August 2025: "Cityscapes" – An image that captures the physical aspect and perspective of a city or urban area