Welcome to the Phoenix Camera Club

We are celebrating our 90th year as a club! Established in 1932, we are the longest running camera club in the Phoenix area.  Although the format has changed in those years from film to digital capture, what hasn't changed is our enjoyment of sharing photography with others, and the friendships we make through the club. 

User Accounts on this website are reserved for competing members of the club.  Click on Membership Info for an application and dues information.  Guests are welcome at our monthly meetings. 

We welcome beginning to advanced photographers.  People of all ages and geographical locations belong to our club and we welcome everyone who has an interest in photography.  We offer the following:

  • Monthly meetings which consist of a program and competition.  Programs cover a variety of photography related subjects.  Competition is held with both print and projected images, with several categories in each.  There are separate competition classes for beginners and advanced photographers. 
  • Monthly field trips on a non-club weekend to a variety of locations, both local and around Arizona.  Information on field trips is given at meetings and via email to members. 

Our Board

Name Role
Mark Laverman President & VP of Field Trips
Jeff Dannay Treasurer
Randy Rossow Secretary
Dianne Langmade CLIX Editor
Isabel Guerra-Clark VP of Programs
Chris Creager
VP of Competition
Jim Chamberlain Co-VP Field Trips
Kathryn Dannay  Webmaster & Membership
Brandon Hodgins Co-VP of Competition
John Livoti Member at Large

Recent digital winning images

Recent print winning images

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